I can not tell you how many calls I field that go like this…

“I have a neighbor that wants to buy my property, what’s it worth?”

“I am gonna sell my property and can you tell me what it is worth?

“I am buying my neighbors property and I would like you to give me a value on the land that is low so I can buy it cheaper.”

“I’ve been talking to this gal and they are thinking of selling their home to me, what’s it worth?”

“I’ve had my property for sale by myself and it hasn’t sold, can you tell me if I have it priced right?”



You are having severe pain in the lower right quadrant of your belly, you go to the doctor. The receptionist takes your information, you get taken back to see the doctor, general assessment is done, your vitals. He evaluates you, presses over your lower right quadrant and the pain goes away, then he lets go and you are jumping off the table in worse pain! Your belly is tympanic; you are sweating with elevated temp and hypoactive bowel sounds all quadrants. He tells you, we are gonna do some labs, white count comes back 4.5 and your crp is 0.5. You do not understand why he has chosen to perform his assessment as he did, but it is his job, his profession, his training and experience.


Now Doc tells you that you need to go to the ER, stop at the receptionist she will have your paperwork for you, then they are waiting for you at ER and the Surgeon will meet you there. You have complete blockage of mesentery vessels and are in need of immediate resection. (I know you thought appendicitis, but there are flags the professional knows.) You do not know how he came to that conclusion, he is the professional, it is his job.


The receptionist has your bill. You are charged for the visit and labs. He does not work for charity, most of the time. The ER charges you, the Surgeon charges you, the general facility charges you. It is a service we all need but it is not free. THEY ARE ALL IN BUSINESS, it is their livelihood, it puts food on the table, pays for the power and puts roof over his head.


Real Estate Licensees are professionals, we are trained in our field, we gain experience and market knowledge because it is our profession – our job. We evaluate property, its attributes, and surroundings, highest and best use. We form a price opinion based on our evaluation. I am in business, it is my livelihood. I prefer to have food in the cupboard. We either charge for our opinion up front, or collect compensation upon the sale. If you are not listing your property, expect to pay for our expertise. If you are not contracting for Buyer Representation, expect to pay for our expertise.

Yeah, yeah, we are not Doctors, but look at Crazy Woman like Good Medicine to Real Estate.  Here are some stats for you to consider: 55% of homeowners that used a real estate broker to sell their home were successful vs. 39% of FSBO’s, reflecting a 50% higher closing rate for those that used a real estate broker. 24% of those FSBO’s eventually enlisted a real estate broker, FSBO’s net 27% less than if they were to list with a real estate broker. Of the 2% of people that sell their home themselves, 30% go through litigation. The selling home price for those that use a real estate broker is 16% higher than those who don’t.

Now you can call me back and ask me what I charge for property evaluations or will I represent you in a transaction.

Crazy Woman
